9. Karting - Hegar Disc Brakes

Hegar front brakes, Horstman enduro clutch adjusters, o-rings, brake studs, brake retractor bolts, brake pads, brake pistons, T fittings, high pressure brake line, red Locktite, ect. HEGAR MANUFACTURING 503-659-1234

Product Image Item Name- Price
1/4-28 nylock nut (aircraft brake master) & 1/4-20 nylock

1/4-28 nylock nut (aircraft brake master) & 1/4-20 nylock

Replacement nylock nut. Shipping price will be corrected for all orders, please disregard projected cost based on weight.

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5/16-24 nylock nut (aircraft brake) & 5/16-18 nylock

5/16-24 nylock nut (aircraft brake) & 5/16-18 nylock

Replacement nylock nut for all Hegar aircraft brakes. Shipping price will be corrected for all orders, please disregard projected cost based on...

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1/4-28 fine flange nut

1/4-28 fine flange nut

Replacement flange nut as shown for all Hegar kart brake hubs with 1/4" stud also the same nut as used on the Horstman axle clutch. (no nylock)...


5/16-24 fine flange nuts

5/16-24 fine flange nuts

Black oxcide 5/16-24 flange nut. Sold on all Hegar karting brakes with 5/16 studs. Shipping price will be corrected for all orders, please disregard...


5/16-18 course flange nuts - overstock

5/16-18 course flange nuts - overstock

Black oxcide 5/16-18 course flange nuts, we have to many so they gotta go. Reduced price for a limited time. Please keep in mind these are not the...
$0.90  $0.20
Save: 78% off


1/4 AN washer

1/4 AN washer

Replacement 1/4 AN washer. Shipping price will be corrected for all orders, please disregard projected cost based on weight.


5/16 AN washer

5/16 AN washer

Replacement 5/16 AN washer. Shipping price will be corrected for all orders, please disregard projected cost based on weight.


O-Ring kit for 4.5" kart brake

O-Ring kit for 4.5" kart brake

Replacement Viton o-ring for the 4.5" brake system. This is a high heat o-ring and is the only recommended o-ring to use with Hegar brakes.

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Featured Products - 9. Karting - Hegar Disc Brakes

Monthly Specials For February

5/16-18 course flange nuts - overstock
5/16-18 course flange nuts - overstock
$0.90  $0.20
Save: 78% off

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